
Friday, November 30, 2012

Disposables via Living Lagom

Allo Espresso Adventurer:

Allow me to introduce the blog Living Lagom, a minimalist who freely expresses her journey of reaching Lagom. What I wanted to share was the idea of reducing the number of disposable cups that she consumes, intentionally or not.

For every cup that she comes in contact with, she donates $1 to a charity of her choice. What she also did was try and pick up a disposable cup and place it in the trash/recycling. Helping with the Litter problem What a great idea.

For that, I give her mucho props (link)

As much as she enjoys her Green Tea Lattes, and frequents coffee shops, why not put a self-imposed "tax/donation" for the use of these cups///

Some of you may use travel mugs, or KeepCups, or even good old ceramic/stay and sip cups.

I'm working very hard to reduce my carbon footprint and stay accountable with conscious acts such as this. 

As such, in 2013, I too will track the disposables I use and decide on where I too will donate my monies.

Happy December, and the start of year end.

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