
Sunday, May 13, 2012

new: City Bar

City Bar - utilizing space above Lavish and Squalor 
Neighbourhood: Queen West/ Arts District/ Downtown

What's interesting from the article from BlogTO is:

No Drip coffee - certainly not a NEW trend, for the longest time Manic Coffee did not offer drip. Times change and your customer base will reflect your menu.
Current locations on Queen West: DH3 (or even around the corner DH4 is purely espresso-based drinks)

No specific mention of the Roaster - which I will go and find out, Ontario roaster is quite vague... will need to follow-up.

Integrated coffee shop inside of another business - "new-ish" for Toronto, but not uncommon.

EA will report back.....


  1. I was a little curious on the roaster choice, but BlogTO rarely mentions roaster. My guess is Social since they mention something about custom. I will be interested when you find out.

  2. Keep you posted for sure Coffeestork! (I'm hoping to get there this week)

  3. Was downtown on jury duty nearby so I popped in. They use Classic. Nice owner - coffee not really my style.

  4. I forgot to report - as I went last weekend as well.

    I like the idea - execution could be better.
