Verdict: Orange zest explosion. Really juicy enough to punch your tongue awake.
Tasting Notes: Big flavor, orange and juicy
Produced by Gacokwe Washing Station/Cooperative
Region: Kayanza
Varietals: Bourbon, Jackson, Mibirzi
Altitude: 1,650 masl
Processing: Washed and sun dried in raised beds
Harvested: May-August 2011
2012 marks our 3rd straight year buying from the Kayanza Region of Burundi. Burundi is a small country located in the heart of Africa just south of Rwanda. Coffee is the main export out of Burundi and sales of specialty grade coffee have skyrocketed over the past 5 years as a lot of efforts to produce better coffee have been put into the country and have helped change the face of the country.
The Gacokwe Cooperative works with 1700 small farmers offering
incentives paid to the farmer for producing higher quality coffee. The
fermentation of this coffee combines elements of wet and dry
fermentation with the use of clean mountain water. The total
fermentation can last up to 2 ½ days before being dried on raised
patios. We have fallen in love with the cup profile that we find in
coffees from this area boasting a big flavor, full of aromatics, juicy,
yet with spicy complexity.
Tasting Notes: Big flavor, orange and juicy
Produced by Gacokwe Washing Station/Cooperative
Region: Kayanza
Varietals: Bourbon, Jackson, Mibirzi
Altitude: 1,650 masl
Processing: Washed and sun dried in raised beds
Harvested: May-August 2011
2012 marks our 3rd straight year buying from the Kayanza Region of Burundi. Burundi is a small country located in the heart of Africa just south of Rwanda. Coffee is the main export out of Burundi and sales of specialty grade coffee have skyrocketed over the past 5 years as a lot of efforts to produce better coffee have been put into the country and have helped change the face of the country.

(from MadCap Coffee website_)
(ppssssttt.... don't forget my other fav in the neighbourhood is having an event Mar 31st)
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