
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Features espresso: el roble, Santander, Colombia

Spotted: Mercury Espresso
Country: Colombia
Farm: El Roble
Farm Size: 740 Acres
Altitude: 5,000 ft
Varietals: Caturra
Harvest: 2011
Roaster: Terroir Coffee (GH Howell)
Tasting Notes:
Honey, almond-butter, bittersweet chocolate, lively acidity
North Italian Espresso Roast

 Suggested extraction instructions:
Group head temperature: 197 F (91.7 C)
Espresso: 19 grams in a double basket
Pulling time: 28 seconds
Finished espresso: 28 liquid grams

Verdict: Sweet almond-cocoa bark. Smoothness from beginning to end.
As it cools; the bite gets stronger and the acidity livens up to a full fledge smack.

Thank you Mercury for allowing Toronto community to indulge in the world of GHHowell

information taken from: here
*Contributor: K.Zyganiuk*

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Espresso parts sale

Looks like a change of ownership but another friend of the industry!

Best of Luck for Terry and Kelly at caffewerks llp

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


A heavy breathe and a sigh of relief as we open our eyes.

Take in all that is around us and be joyful! What's happening with your ash Wednesday? Are you giving up something for lent?

I wish I could say coffee, but it fills my day with flavour explosion and joy.

Happy espresso adventures



Been looking everywhere for one of these:

Rishi Tea Glass Two Person Teapot (18.5-Ounce) with Infuser...

Let me know if you know of any retail stores that are carrying this.....

YES I know it's TEA -- shhhhh

ALSO : Listen to CBC Music (Smooth Jazz really hits the spot)