
Monday, January 2, 2012

First Espresso of 2012

Ringing in the first shot with the lovely ambiance of the Danforth shop.
So glad that it is here to fill the void and start many more cafes in the neighborhood
Great music, friendly barista, lovely customer base.

Spotted: Crema Danforth (508 Danforth Avenue)
Neighbourhood: The Danforth/Greektown
Pulling: Epic Espresso®
Current blend: As of Dec 15th 2011,
El Salvador La Guachoca 1600 m.a.s.l.
Guatemala Pulcal. 1585–1860 m.a.s.l.
Roasters: 49th Parallel
Located: Vancouver, B.C
Verdict: sweet bursts of ringing subtle acidity, yet balanced. As you take the next sip it moulds into a chocolately hug as your tastebuds get over the acidity and embraces the lingering smooth finish.

Here are the parameters that we've been using with our latest Epic Espresso (parameters for an 18g VST Precision Filter Basket):

Grouphead at 200-201° F
19 grams of freshly ground coffee
Timer for 28 seconds
9 bars of pressure


  1. EPIC has come back over the last number of months. There was a time before the new bags, that I had kind of just stopped drinking it. Then, I left it for Ritual (once it replaced P&S in Halifax), but when the Ritual is gone I am very happy to enjoy EPIC once again. IMO, 49th Parallel has been coming back with some great coffee !!!

  2. espressosnob - I totally agree with your views. 49th isn't my go-to beans, but since the re-packaging and the current blend, I've given new hope and optimism for 49th... hence my trials at Crema. I love that you are enjoying Ritual - I just got a bag from Van - and am loving the Colombian....
    Refreshing to hear the same thoughts/
    All the best in 2012.
