
Monday, June 20, 2011


Monday Morning Manic Muffins

This will be my warp-up "from the weekend, and if you missed any news from the previous week" section for all things coffee.

I must admit, I used to go to Manic Coffee every Monday morning - post run. Where we'd catch up from the weekend and start our weeks off with a good rundown/layout of events ahead.
Manic became our "go-to" spot in the neighbourhood - a meeting place where we'd bump into friends more often than not.
But that ritual has not happened since last year.

Here's my tribute to one of the best morning combos in the city:
the buttery moist lushish Berry Muffin paired with Americano (BlackCat - Intelligenstia style).

What you missed from last week:
  • Discussion about COLD BREW/JAPANESE style brewing: (here) (twitter discussion)
  • Grumpy opens up 4th location in Lower East Side (pictures)
  • Handsome Roasters (3 former Intelli employee.. you know them) FIRST roasts (via Oliver)
  • Just a bunch of big names in NYC last Thursday (NBD)
  • July 5/6 - Can. Central Barista Champs need volunteers (email) more bodies need!!

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