- Mon-Fri: 7am-8pm
- Sat: 8am-8pm
- Sun: 9am-6pm
(Single Origin - El Salvador)
Roaster: George Howell's Terroir Coffee
Located: Acton, Mass.
Verdict: Initial tastes had a smooth buttery orange swirl, with light toasted/burnt marshmallow flavour similar to Greg's Ice Cream. As you take more sips, there is a delightful acidity that tastes cocoa to round out the flavours.

This will be in the hopper until they run out of beans, so come in now for a limited run.
Straight from Terroir Coffee's website:
Layered orange-blossom honey, hint of jasmine and a creamy dark caramel finish. Matalpa’s soft acidity is ideal for a light espresso, providing great sweetness with buttery body.
Matalapa is a fourth generation 190 acre farm at 4,100 feet above sea level. It was founded in the late 1800's by Fidelia Lima, great grandmother of the current owner, Vickie Ann Dalton de Diaz. She maintains 14 acres of virgin tropical forest and keeps her coffee plants shaded with over 40 varieties of shades trees. Terroir has been following this farm for several years now and have been very impressed with each year's improvements since winning in the 2003 El Salvador Cup of Excellence. The crop is very impressive for its sweetness and buttery body.
If you've tried this roast - let me know your thoughts.
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