
Sunday, November 14, 2010

4: Sam James Coffee Bar

Sam James Coffee Bar
Address: 297 Harbord Street
Neighbourhood: Annex
647 341 2572 email 

Brainchild and namesake: Sam James , renowed barista, has opened up this community favourite for all to visit. Having first heard about the location a year ago and visiting it's establishment often the location is a definitely a mecca of espresso love. If you've followed the career of the famed Sam James, you know that his training proceeds his celebirty stardom. Having his beginning at Cherry Bomb then Hank's, and later on at Manic and Dark Horse, it's only due time that he developed his own place. Parked in Pantalone's mortatorium it was nice to see how this small storefront has transformed into an great espresso bar. The white and black tiles, and artwork just make it such a lovely place to visit. GUSH - it reminds me of some of the european cafe bars that I've visited.

Sadly, I've never taken the moment to capture my double espresso, and am left with only Cappucino photos. (note: that is my next fav drink)

Machine: La Marzocco Linea (2 Group)
Doser: Mazzer
Turnover: Heavy Traffic
Beans: Toi et Moi Cafe Espressone (Montreal)
Music Chill
Disloyalty Card: YES 
 Counter space is nicely set-up, and if you can take the 10 minutes to enjoy your drink -- have it "for here".

Verdict: Balanced body of dark chocolate, berry notes, and light acidity round out this roast. 
The set-up at the bar is optimal for the tight space and the barista's that James has hired are top notch. Careful preparation of the shot from the grinding, to the consistent tamping and attention to cup temperature makes it an easy choice for local espresso lovers to trek over here. The clientele that come in, appreciate their love for espresso, and it shows in the constant flow.

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